Thursday 21 April 2011


A Discussion on Climate Change

14 Oct

On 15th and 16th November our Pathmakers Programme co- ordinator Mr Sachi Mishra and I, Belal Sen Padhan participated in a two day workshop on climate change organised by Focus Orissa Forum on Climate Change at Redcross Bhawa in Bhubaneswar. People from different backgrounds such as minister, commisioners, professors, teachers, NGO activists, media persons, journalists, students, all participated in this workshop –

all from different districts of Orissa.

The two days was a hot discussion about the climate change. How our environment and the total Ecosystem affected by it. The session was also about the serious discussion on both natural and man made disasters, its occurrence, its causes, the losses and the damage caused by its and the action plan how we save our environment and the total ecosystem and life of all living beings from it cope.


The concept of climate change is as old as the 18th century . Climate change is still a hot topic today. It is a natural phenomenon; otherwise the biological evolution and the Darwin’s natural selection would not have been a reality. But, what worries us today is the thoughtless interference in this natural process by man. The economic overview of a state with unbridled economic growth having no respect for nature, must inevitably lead to a sick economy. The twentieth century , which took the pride of progess in the current century must target at an economic overview based on an ecological principle, which did not ‘kill the goose that layed the golden eggs’. Man has seen three revolutions since the dawn of its civilisation. The first one was the ‘tool making revolution (stone, copper, iron etc ) that took place over one million years ago when human kind began to colonise the planet. The second was the ‘agricultural revolution’ when man took to agriculture, some ten thousand years ago and the third was the ‘industrial revolution’ started only about 300 years ago has been the worst for the environ of the planet earth.

The accumulation of the industrial emissions leads to change of the climate from hospitable to inhospitable for the environment. It has created a tremendous ecological degradation and pollution of all sorts and often. The damage has been permanent. As consequences of ecological footprints, the poor have to leave their native land to allow mining, industries, river valley projects and urban human settlements. Following this is the problem of displacement resettlement and rehabilitation and many other social issues. The World Health Organisation (WHO) talks of 150,000 people dying each year from climate change. Now the humankind for its survival has to prepare itself for an ‘Ecological Revolution’ and an ‘Eco- Development Revolution’, which ensures judiciuos utilisation and conservation of resources, environmental harmony and safety, local self- reliance, economic efficiency and equity with social justice.

Causes of Climate Change

The major cause of climate change is of two types – natural and anthropogenical.

1. Natural Process

* Melting of glaciers
* Volcanic eruption
* Variation in solar radiation
* Enhanced green house gas emission

1. Anthropogenic Process

* Deforestation
* Reduced water run off in upper catchment
* Enhanced emission of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide
* Warming of oceans and land
* Changing in precipitation patterns
* Increased concentration of sulphur in the environment
* Industrialisation and urbanization
* Water, air and social pollution
* Enhanced energy use
* Current life style (release of chloro- phloro –carbon)

Impacts of Climate Change

* Delayed arrival of the monsoon
* Increased formation of low pressure in Bay of Bengal
* More pre- monsoon rainfall
* More cloudy days
* Post monsoon temperature is next to summer season
* Change in rainfall pattern and rainy days.
* More rain in less rainy days
* Increase in diurnal temperature
* Average temperature increase
* More heat stroke
* Lesser winter days in Western Orissa.
* High wind velocity
* Increased frequency of monsoon flood
* High wind velocity
* Increased frequency of monsoon flood
* Post monsoonal drought
* Coastal erosion/ riverbank erosion/ diversion
* Cyclone and tsunami
* Landslide
* Loss of biodiversity
* Loss of agricultural productivity
* Social disaster and livelihood imbalances

The earth our home planet is unique, it has provided an environment for the evolution of life natural resources for its sustenance. A planet similar to the earth in the universe has not been found. The ever increasing demand of energy, mineral resouces and safe drinking water for the burgeoning population is of great concern due to the finiteness of natural resources. The issue of climate change associated with global warming leading to serious consequences such as rainfall variability, sea level changes, glacial melting, frequency of cyclones and hurricanes etc. needs to be addressed. Global warming is the cumulative effect of the eco- friendly development activities.

This is a new challenge faced by all the states in the world. With the Kyoto Protocol in February 2007, attention is being paid to the implementation and accomplishment of the kyoto mechanism in particular, the clean development mechanisms, according to the 15th annual survey. Report on environmental problems and the survival of humankind conducted by the Asahi Glass Foundation, Tokyo, Japan in 2006. Local actions together would only be able to enable the situation and save the planet. Dignity of life, respect to humanity, equity are the basic components of human rights . Judicious utilization of natural resources and protection of such resources for posterity are the moral obligations of the present generation. Therefore the environment, development and human rights must go together shoulder to shoulder for continuity of life on this unique planet earth. The emphasis will be on solutions to economic, social and environmental sustainability including improve equity. In December 2007, the 13th session of the conferences of parties (COP13) of the UN framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC) took in Bali, Indonesia, with the participation of represnetative of from 180 countries. The delegation discuss global warming counter measure, including an approach for an approach for the post 2012 period.

My action plan

It is recognised that maintaining a healthy environment is not the state’s responsibility alone, but also that of every citizen. So I will make the people aware about it.

I will particpate in all environmental related programmes. Acquire more and more knowledge about it.

Do something to save our unique Green Planet Earth

Provide knoweledge to the people about both natural and man- made disasters, its root causes, its impact and the way to overcome the problem about its mitigation and preparedness in order to save the lives and wealth of the people, before great damage is caused to humankind.

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